The history of the music Festival  

About us 

The origins 

“Ever since I was a child, music has been my passion and the violin my best friend, always with me wherever I went.

Music was the filter through which I saw the world and imagined the future.I dreamt of bringing it to the places I loved, where I was born.

Growing up I had the good fortune to travel, playing in prestigious Festivals held in marvelous settings.

As a natural next step, and thanks to the energy of four friends, motivated by the same enthusiasm, the Festival Musica sull’Acqua was born in 2005, an unconfined place where we meet and create music, energy and inspiration.

Since then, with the help of many volunteers, every year we work hard to make each edition a unique and unrepeatable experience, which ignites sparks to take home with us while rediscovering our essence, together with the audience. 

From the very beginning, world-famous musicians have given life to numerous interpretations of some of the most beautiful works taken from the vast repertory of chamber music, from Monteverdi to John Adams, passing through an assortment of the most diverse genres and styles, capable of touching deep chords in each individual listener.

Thus, throughout the years, we have been experiencing an exciting musical journey with the discovery of unusual repertories to share with our enthusiastic public.

Many friends return to Colico again and again to experience the spirit of comradery and conviviality characteristic of the Festival, its own vital force that drives the desire to make music together.

Among the first to firmly believe in us were people like Bernard Haitink, Velasco Vitali and Guido Barbieri, all members of our Honorary Board of Artistic Advisors..

The project grew very quickly, soon attracting the attention of the institutions. Since 2010 the Festival has been conferred annually the High Patronage of the President of the Republic and in 2019 it was awarded the President’s Gold Medal. .

In 2007 the “Ateliers” were born,providing an opportunity forchildren to meet important artists able to communicate with them and share their expertise through pedagogical, perceptional, and creative artistic workshops.


The enrichment gained in these workshops led very naturally to the creation, in 2018, of the MACH (Music Art Creativity Hub) Project and Orchestra, a meeting place for young musicians from all over the world and the first chairs of some of the most important orchestras worldwide, enabling them to join together and discover a new way to create an orchestra.

Our Hub is made possible through the trust and support of the Hilti Foundation.

In 2019 MACH was conferred the High Patronage of the European Parliament.

When it all began, we would never have believed that we would succeed in creating all that we have. With joy, passion and gratitude we will continue along this magnificent journey.”

Francesco Senese

Art Director



in memoriam

“La musica da camera è il grande amore della mia vita musicale. Il Festival Musica sull’Acqua dà l’opportunità di ascoltarla in luoghi bellissimi, suonata da giovani artisti veramente meravigliosi. Cosa potrebbe esserci di meglio?! Sono orgoglioso di farne parte e spero che il pubblico potrà condividere la gioia che questa musica mi dona.”



“A Colico, durante i giorni del festival, si ha la sensazione che tutto possa accadere. Che tra le fila di un’orchestra di ragazzi compaiano, come per miracolo, musicisti conosciuti in tutto il mondo, che tra le mura di una fortezza della Grande Guerra si incontrino un mimo arrivato da New York e uno scultore che vive sul lago di Como, che un coro di bambini suoni insieme ad un’orchestra di professionisti. Musica sull’Acqua è un luogo prezioso di invenzione, sperimentazione, di creazione. La dimostrazione di come una piccola comunità di musicisti, dotata soltanto della forza delle idee, possa far arrivare la sua voce ben oltre i confini di una città, di una regione, di una nazione. In una parola: ovunque!”



“Il Festival Musica sull’Acqua riesce nel riunire assieme due elementi che per l’uomo sono tanto importanti quanto “inafferrabili”, se non attraverso i sensi: l’acqua e la musica. Due entità che possiamo solo contemplare e non possedere, e che richiamano in modo molto leggero (ma diretto) il concetto di Bellezza. Diceva il medico e poeta Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr: “Fate un bagno di musica una volta o due alla settimana per alcune stagioni, e scoprirete che fa all’anima quello che l’acqua fa al corpo.” Il Festival Musica sull’Acqua, in luoghi così evocativi come quelli dello scenario del lago di Como, è per me un momento di Bellezza: terme per lo spirito.”