T +39 3505295856

M. biglietteria@festivalmusicasullacqua.org

Edition 2024 → From 5th to 30th July

Festival Press Area

You can download the information and promotional material of the Festival Musica sull’Acqua from this page

For any information, please contact our press office:


Integrated Web Communication for the Festival by Rete Camileonte:


Camilla Giannelli – Web Art Direction info@camileonte.com 
Matteo PolimeniWeb Graphics and Copy matteo@camileonte.com
Federica IelapiPress Office federica@tellerspr.com
Greta GalimbertiPress Office gvg@gvgalimberti.com
Roberto Zanotti – Web Developer
Mauro Panigati – Web Developer
Giuseppe Fontanella – Matterport


They collaborated in the production of content for web dissemination:


Download the press releases and news of the Musica Sull’Acqua Festival


Download the audio, photo and video material dedicated to the press here